We can feel the coming of autumn in the cool wind and see it in the changing colors of the sky.
The first Saturday in September was a day such as that, but still the heat remained.
During the evening we supported the first “OKA Board Meeting”, where visitors were able for the first time to
the test ride OKA SKATEBOARDS along the small Takasegawa riverside in Gojo, Kyoto.
Blessed with good weather, nearly 100 people attended the first event including; beginners, experts, OKA owners, girls and boys. All with smiling faces, intoxicated from riding, chatting & laughing with friends, and enjoying delicious food & drink provide by Nikomiya-Rokken. With a little help from good beer, OKA, and chancemaker, the evening was
one of the most memorable of this summer, with everyone involved receiving and healthy dose of “inspiration”.
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our “Meeting 01” OKA SKATEBOARDS. In the near future we will announce
the details about “Meeting 02”. Keep an eye on our homepage for more information.
まだ暑さが残る、でも確実に空の色や雲、そして時折吹く風は秋の訪れを感じさせる、そんな9月最初の土曜の夕刻、僕たちが出会い最初に応援する、”OKA SKATEBOARDS”の初の試乗会が京都五条の高瀬川沿いで開催されました。
当日は、お天気にも恵まれ、のべ100名近くのOKAファンが集まり、初のOKAの二人と彼らのスケートボードとの対面となりました。参加者の中には、OKAの二人の指導を受け、人生初のスケボーにチャレンジするご機嫌なお姉さんや、既に購入したマイスケートボードを持参する若者など、みんなOKAの世界観に魅了されスケートボードの気持ち良さを知った仲間たちで賑わい、会場となった煮込み屋 六軒さんの
楽しい試乗会の報告と共に、僕たちの『Meeting 01″OKA SKATEBOARDS”』の全編完結を迎えられることを嬉しく思います。
次なる僕たちのInspiringな人たちとの新たな出会いに、乞うご期待ください。季節は秋へと向かい”Meeting 02″は、間もなく公開予定です。
Kyoto on Saturday, Sep. 1, 2012 Clear
Introducing the all models of OKA !
OKA T-shirt that you just completed. Two of the OKA is looks good.
OKA Street Swallowtail
Now it is finally beginning Ride !
It is a woman appeared with dashingly skater. Sprint is in likely comfortably.
This is a plate of skateboard with a beautiful grain.
Everyone is excited about something ! ?
Delicious restaurant smack in everyone.
This is a community OKA everyone. Chat a while.
OKA SKATEBOARDS(James & Yoshiro)
OKA & chancemaker Film Connections
Thanks for a good day.